Thursday, December 9, 2010

Santa and Shaving Cream!

I've been looking around for Christmas themed crafts and I totally forgot about some that I did when I was younger! This Santa is PERFECT! K had a great time! All you need is

cotton balls

Cut paper into Santa's face and hat. I drew a glue line around the spots that needed cotton balls. Then, K placed the cotton balls into position.

Yes, Santa is a LITTLE creepy. But I'm not an artist! :) Googly eyes would look much more appealing, but didn't have any on hand so I made my own eyes!

After finishing Santa, we brought out the wonderful SHAVING CREAM! Remember playing with this in school? It's the BEST! Messy, but SUPER easy to clean! And SUPER fun for the kiddos!
Happy Crafting!


  1. Love it! Looks like you both had fun.

  2. I will try these crafts with Gracie! Thanks for the great ideas!! :) I'm excited about this new blog!
